List of prizes, patents, and MOUs Wellis Air has received in 2022
Wellis Air has been receiving trust from various organizations in Korea, the United States, and others in excellent disinfection efficiency as follows;
1. Hit Product from Seoul Awards, organized by Soul Municipality and SBA (Seoul Business Agency) on June 15, 2022.

This picture shows the certificate granted to Wellis Air for ‘Hit Product Award’ by Seoul Business Agency.
2. Grand Prize for air disinfection products from the Customer-Loving Brands Award contest in Korea, organized by The Economist, a weekly UK newspaper, and sponsored by JoongAng Daily, a leading national daily Korean newspaper under the world’s leading newspaper, The New York Times, on May 19, 2022.

This figure shows Wellis Air granted ‘The Customer-Loving Brands Award’.
3. The best brand for air disinfection products recommended by consumers granted in Korea on May 18, 2021.

This picture shows an Acrylic trophy granted to Wellis Air from 2021 The Best Brand by Consumer Recommendation Contest.
4. Grand Prize for 2 consecutive years in air disinfection products from Innovation Company Awards in Korea, organized by MT (MoneyToday), a financial-knowledge sharing blog, and sponsored by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Environment, an Ministry of Education on March 5, 2021.

The picture shows a certificate granted to Wellis Air from 2021 Korea Innovation Award Contest.
5. Grand Prize for air disinfection products, organized by the Korea Economic Daily, an online media that presents updated news on industries, companies, and financial markets in Korea, and sponsored by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and Association of Brand Management of Korea on March 30, 2021.

This picture shows Wellis Air receiving an award from 2022 Korea Premium Brand Award Contest.
6. The best innovation granted by Ministry of SMEs and Startups of Korea on January 9, 2021.

This picture shows Wellis Air receiving an award as Excellent Innovation Product.
6. Grand Prize in biology, medicine, and health granted by Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, Spain on December 5, 2020.

The pictures show a certificate and a trophy, respectively, granted by Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, Spain.
6. Patent number 4 authorized at Korea’s Intellectual Property Office for Hydroxyl Ionization for air and surface disinfection on March 16, 2022.
Patent ID: 10-2376659
Registration Date : August 24, 2021
Authorization Date: March 16, 2022.
7. Patent for Hydroxyl Ionization authorized at The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on December 7, 2021.
Patent ID: US 11,191,862
Registration Date : April 15, 2016
Authorization Date: December 7, 2021

This pictures shows the patent authorized by The US Patent at Trademark Office for Hydroxyl ionization for air and surface disinfection.
7. MOU with Korea’s Association of Seniors on April 6, 2022- installed Wellis Airs at their centers across the country on April 7, 2022.

This pictures shows the MOU ceremony with Korea’s Association of Seniors.
Wellis Air has been trusted by various organizations around the world with the awards that certify its excellent efficiency in disinfection. Order Wellis Air here>>