The country now is open;
still protect yourself with Wellis Air
Everyone is eagerly awaiting the reopening of countries to return to life outside their homes, socialize with friends, and enjoy traveling to various destinations just like before. However, even when the country reopens, it does not mean that diseases like COVID-19 and others will disappear. We still need to maintain protective measures to keep ourselves safe from diseases, just as we did before, in order to prevent ourselves from falling ill again. So, how can we effectively set up protective measures that are both convenient and truly safeguard us from diseases?
Safeguard ourselves with Wellis Air & Surface Disinfection
Diseases exist everywhere, both in the air and on various surfaces such as furniture, household items, children’s toys, and hidden corners of rooms. Diseases can enter our homes and workplaces through the frequent movement of people and constant contact with objects. Therefore, it is necessary for us to have a germ-killing device to prevent the spread of pathogens from one person to another. The Wellis Air device is a highly effective and safe technology for killing germs. It is user-friendly and convenient to use because…

The picture shows a list of viruses, fungi, and bacteria that Wellis Air can eliminate, such as pathogens that cause diseases like COVID-19, influenza, rotavirus, and hand-foot-mouth disease.
2. Wellis Air does not leave any residual substances after eliminating pathogens, making it safe for small children, the elderly, as well as pets and the environment. Additionally, there are no concerns about filter replacement or complicated maintenance, as only the Olefin oil cartridge needs to be changed every 3 months.
3. The concentration of hydroxyl radicals produced by Wellis Air is high, making it effective in killing pathogens.
- In terms of natural charge properties and the quantity produced by the device, hydroxyl radicals rank second, beating ozone and hydrogen peroxide in terms of their disinfection capabilities.

The picture shows that hydrogen peroxide is effective in eliminating bacteria, ranking 2nd above ozone, followed by hydrogen peroxide disinfection solution
- The quantity of hydroxyl radicals produced by the Wellis Air device is between 8-10 million/cc, which is significantly higher compared to the concentration found in the ambient air, ranging from 200,000-8,000,000/cc (consistent with C-Concentrated). (For more information on hydroxyl radicals (Read more about hydroxyl here>>)
4. Wellis Air can continuously eliminate pathogens 24 hours a day, including when people are gathered together in a space, without posing any harm to humans, pets, and the environment. It works with the same type of charge that nature produces to combat airborne pathogens. Additionally, since viruses often spread from person to person, other options for killing pathogens such as ozone generators and hydrogen peroxide may not be able to eliminate all pathogens, especially when used while people are present in the area.
5. Wellis Air is easy to use and convenient. Simply insert the hydrogen peroxide solution cartridge, plug it in, and press the power button, and the device starts working immediately. As for maintenance, it is straightforward. Just replace the solution cartridge every 3 months and use a damp cloth to clean the cartridge slot and the device itself when it appears dirty. When comparing it to other disinfection options such as ozone generators and UV devices that require the expertise of professionals to operate, Wellis Air offers a cost-effective solution.
How can Wellis Air protect office workers?
Wellis Air can be installed in offices, conference rooms, dining areas, lounges, and any other crowded areas, whether they are enclosed spaces, equipped with air conditioning, or have poor air circulation. This is because if one employee is feeling unwell and coughs or sneezes, the pathogens can spread in the air and settle on nearby surfaces, including utensils and objects. Other employees in the same area can then inhale the contaminated air or come into contact with the contaminated objects, leading to potential infection and illness. As for dining areas, there is also a higher risk because everyone needs to remove their masks to consume food or beverages.

The picture shows the office of Pataphorn Steel Company, which has installed Wellis Air devices to reduce the risk of disease transmission in the air and on various surfaces, as well as from person to person. (See reviews about using Wellis Air in the offices here >>)
How can Wellis Air protect students?
Wellis Air can be installed in classrooms, cafeterias, and fitness rooms, as well as any enclosed areas with poor air circulation or air quality. This is particularly important in environments where young children are at risk of easily contracting and experiencing severe illnesses such as RSV, Rotavirus, and hand-foot-mouth disease. Children often come into contact with shared objects like toys, engage in physical activities such as lifting weights, and have frequent interactions with their classmates, making it easy for infections to spread. Additionally, tutoring centers that accommodate a large number of children in limited spaces are highly susceptible to disease transmission.

The picture shows a classroom that has installed Wellis Air devices to reduce the risk of airborne and surface transmission of diseases. (See reviews about using Wellis Air in schools >>)
How can Wellis Air protect us when we eat outside?
Wellis Air can be installed in restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes, and enclosed spaces with poor air circulation or ventilation. These places often have a high volume of people coming in and out, closely interacting with each other, and removing their face masks while inside. Having Wellis Air devices can help reduce the risk of disease transmission from person to person effectively.

The picture shows a Ngok Farm Cafe&Restaurant that has installed Wellis Air devices to reduce the risk of disease transmission in the air, on various surfaces, and from person to person. (See reviews about using Wellis Air in restaurants and cafes here >>)
How can Wellis Air protect patients, doctors, and nurses?
Wellis Air can be installed in high-level cleanliness areas such as operating rooms, patient recovery rooms, ICU rooms, surgical rooms, delivery rooms, neonatal rooms, ambulances, as well as areas with a high volume of people, such as reception counters, doctor waiting areas, medication pick-up points, or any enclosed space with poor air circulation. This is particularly important in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, dental clinics, aesthetic clinics, veterinary clinics, general disease treatment clinics, as they are breeding grounds for various pathogens due to the presence of diverse patients with different infections and a high influx of people entering and exiting the premises regularly.

The image shows an ICU room equipped with Wellis Air devices to reduce the risk of airborne transmission of diseases, contamination on surfaces, and transmission between individuals. (See reviews about using Wellis Air in medical places here>>)
How can Wellis Air protect our beloved ones at home?
Wellis Air can be installed in living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, or any enclosed spaces with poor air circulation or inadequate ventilation. This is because household members frequently enter and leave the house, come into contact with various objects, touch clothing, and have close physical contact with other household members. This increases the risk of disease transmission from person to person. Additionally, when feeling unwell with COVID-19 or other illnesses, most people choose to stay and isolate at home. Having Wellis Air can help reduce the presence of pathogens within the house and mitigate the risk of healthy individuals getting infected.

The picture depicts a living room of a family that has installed the Wellis Air system to reduce the risk of airborne and surface transmission between individuals. (See reviews about using Wellis Air in homes here>>)
How can Wellis Air protect you during travel?
We can enhance the level of safety and reduce the risk of disease transmission during travel by installing the Wellis Air system in personal cars, buses, vans, and other vehicles (For free consultation on using the Wellis Air system, you can contact Line Official Thailand here). Vehicles pose a high risk of infection transmission as they often have limited space, people tend to sit close to each other, and air ventilation may not be optimal. Therefore, if someone coughs or sneezes, those sitting close or other passengers are immediately at risk of exposure. Additionally, we can also carry the Wellis Air system to accommodations such as hotels, resorts, bungalows, etc., as each accommodation has different levels of hygiene and health standards. By using Wellis Air, we can reduce the risk of illness by eliminating airborne and surface pathogens within the accommodation.

The image shows a personal car installed with the Wellis Air device to reduce the risk of airborne and surface transmission and transmission from person to person. (See reviews about using Wellis Air in vehicles here>>)
Now everyone can return to enjoying life with friends as before the spread of COVID-19. However, we must not forget to take care of ourselves and protect ourselves from the disease. Using Wellis Air at school, work, and home will help us stay safe from airborne and surface-transmitted diseases. Order Wellis Air here>>